How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies: A Story of Love and Legacy

Written by Dreamer

Do you know what old people really want but none of their children can give them? Time.


How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies is a Thai film inspired by true stories found in every family. M (Putthipong “Billkin” Assaratanakul), from a Thai-Chinese family, dropped out of university to follow his dream of becoming a game caster. But everything changed when he found out his beloved grandmother, Amah (Usha Seamkhum), had been diagnosed with cancer. Seeing this as a chance to inherit her property, M decided to take care of her.

Life at Amah’s House:

Amah’s home, filled with shelves and tables brimming with memories and history, reflected her rich life and organized mind. Her firm household rules—from the exact placement of her Guanyin statue to her preferred fish vendor—showcased her self-assured nature and the importance of tradition.

Even in small moments, such as discussions about comfortable shoes with M, Amah’s character shone through. “They’re my feet,” she insisted on wearing the pair of shoes bought by her eldest son, despite her discomfort, embodying a blend of stubbornness and wisdom. Through these interactions, the alternating moods of loneliness and warmth were captured, illustrating the depth of her relationship with her eldest son and grandson.

Family Dynamics:

Amah’s relationship with her eldest son showed how her eldest son was often too busy with work and his own family to spend much time with her, although he did provide financial support. Her second son had many challenges of his own. It was her daughter Chew, M’s mother, who lovingly took care of Amah with the dedication and care of a truly devoted daughter.

M’s Transformation:

As M spent more time with Amah, their bond grew stronger, and his motives changed. What started as a hidden agenda to win her favor—initially inspired by his cousin Mui, who took care of Mui’s grandfather—soon turned into a profound connection. He learned the value of showing up, paying attention, and genuinely caring for his grandmother. Their evolving relationship was depicted with sincerity, highlighting the power of love and the importance of family bonds.

Amah’s Dream of a Million-Dollar Grave:

Amah had a deep and heartfelt wish to have a million-dollar grave for herself, not because she wanted anything fancy, but to create a special place where her children and grandchildren could come together during Qing Ming, the traditional Chinese festival of honoring ancestors. This dream showed how much she longed for her family to stay close and united, even after she was gone.

Together with M, Amah visited her brother to share the news about her illness and ask for help funding the million-dollar grave. Sadly, her brother rejected her request and asked her not to visit again.

Amah’s Health Worsened:

I don’t know who I love the most, but I want to stay with you the most


As Amah’s health declined and she was hospitalized, she decided to transfer ownership of her house to her second son, believing he needed it the most to live. Unfortunately, her second son sold the house to repay his debts, and Amah ended up in a nursing home.

M couldn’t understand why Amah had given the house to his second uncle and even questioned if she loved him as much. Despite his confusion and hurt, M visited Amah in the nursing home and asked to bring her back to live with his mother Chew and himself.

During a heartfelt moment in Chew’s kitchen, Amah told her, “I don’t know who I love the most, but I want to stay with you the most,” showing her deep love for her daughter.

The Passing:

Amah passed away in her daughter’s house, accompanied by M’s chanting and tears. During the funeral, M received a call from the bank informing him that he had a million-dollar savings account set up by Amah since he was young. M withdrew all the money to fund the million-dollar grave for Amah, realizing that her wish for a place where the family could gather during Qing Ming symbolized the true wealth she sought to impart: a united family that honors and remembers her.

Real Million-Dollar Treasure:

The real treasure M received wasn’t money, but the stories, wisdom, and love that Amah shared with him. She also gave him a pomegranate from her tree, symbolizing prosperity. In the end, M’s visit to the cemetery to honor Amah in his own special way showed how deeply she had impacted his life. He used the money she had saved for him to buy the million-dollar grave she had wished for, creating a place where the family could come together and remember her.

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